'child in nigeria'

Finding every child - Our Journey with Akuko

by Matt Berg

In February 2020, we found ourselves in Nigeria on a mission that was equal parts exciting and intimidating. Our job? To work alongside UNICEF on a project aimed at improving data collection around access to health facilities. Little did we know, this mission would serve as the seed for our innovative data storytelling tool, Akuko.

The Challenge

In Nigeria, ensuring children have consistent access to quality healthcare facilities remains a complex problem. The country's vast geography, diverse population, and health system infrastructures make comprehensive data collection a daunting task. Yet, it was clear to us that effective data utilization would be key in tackling this issue.

In Nigeria, ensuring children have consistent access to quality healthcare facilities remains a complex problem. The country's vast geography, diverse population, and health system infrastructures make comprehensive data collection a daunting task. Yet, it was clear to us that effective data utilization would be key in tackling this issue.

Our task was to collect, analyze, and interpret a vast amount of data, ultimately using it to identify gaps in healthcare facility coverage. We aimed to illuminate the unseen - to find every child who could potentially slip through the cracks due to these coverage gaps.

The Birth of Akuko

Amidst the data mountains and analytical challenges, we realized that conventional tools were simply not equipped to handle this task effectively. We needed something more intuitive, more visual, and more collaborative - something that could truly tell a story with data. Thus, Akuko was born.

Akuko, an Igbo term meaning 'story,' perfectly encapsulates our mission. We believe that every dataset holds a story waiting to be told, a story that could bring about change. Our goal was to develop a tool that could empower users to tell these stories, making data more understandable, engaging, and actionable.

Using Akuko to Identify Gaps

Once Akuko was up and running, we utilized it in our project with UNICEF. It quickly demonstrated its value. Akuko allowed us to visually plot health facilities across Nigeria and overlay demographic data to highlight regions with inadequate coverage.

We developed interactive maps that illuminated coverage gaps, showing areas where the number of children significantly outpaced the available healthcare facilities. These data visualizations not only helped identify problems but also made these issues more tangible and urgent for decision-makers.

Furthermore, Akuko’s collaborative features promoted a more inclusive approach to data analysis. It wasn’t just us against the data anymore; it became a collaborative effort with stakeholders actively participating in the process, dissecting the stories the data were telling, and using these insights for informed decision-making.

The Impact

Akuko proved instrumental in helping us uncover the hidden stories within the data. By visualizing health facility coverage and pinpointing gaps, we managed to drive tangible changes on the ground. These findings informed strategic planning, resource allocation, and the implementation of new health programs.

Our journey with Akuko in Nigeria not only helped UNICEF make strides towards ensuring access to healthcare for every child but also cemented our belief in the power of data storytelling. And this is only the beginning. With Akuko, we are excited to continue uncovering more data stories that can shape a better world.

Stay tuned for our next post where we delve into the technical aspects of building Akuko and share more about our vision for the future of data storytelling.